Kamal B.
Dehradun UttrakandIndia
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Shopify 2.0 | Shopify Plus | Wordpress | Bigcommerce Web Developer

🏆 Top Rated on Upwork ⭐ 5 Star Feedback ✌ 100% Client Recommendation ✅ 100%+ Job Success Rate 🌍 85+ Projects on Upwork 🕰 4000+ Hours on Upwork I am a Full-stack Web Developer with +9 years of experience. The most important thing for me is to turn your ideas and business goals into useful and amazing designs. In each project, I first listen, understand and then implement my solution to the highest level. Neither Shopify, WordPress, nor any other platform. Everything will be built from scratch with a modern design, good performance, fast loading, and clean code. Ensure that everything will be as required, needed, and higher than expected I'm curious and enjoy jobs that challenge me to learn new skills and stretch in new directions. I try to keep up with changes in the state of the art so that I can meet challenges with tools that are well-suited to the task at hand. I also have a strong skill of SEO optimization, web design, photo and video editing, making the web content rich with multimedia. 📞 Come in Inbox to Discuss your queries with me. I'm here for your better Assistant 🚀 Let's have a great start!

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  • Shopify Theme
  • WordPress Development
  • Shopify Plus
  • Squarespace
  • App Development
  • Shopify
  • WordPress
  • WordPress Theme

Get started working with Kamal quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Kamal quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get an amazing eCommerce website -WooCommerce/Shopify/Bigcommerce Store

From $199
3 days delivery

You will get a beautiful WordPress Website - Elementor/DIVI/Visual Composer Page Builder

From $199
2 days delivery

You will get a fantastic Wocommerce Website

From $149
2 days delivery

You will get a fantastic Shopify Website to grow your business online.

From $199
5 days delivery


Endorsements from past clients

"We are very happy with Kamal's quality of work, communication and willingness to assist. We will continue to use him for future web development projects. "

Lean M. | COO
Ecommerce Feb 2024
