Christian F.
SouthwickUnited Kingdom
100% Job Success
Top Rated

iOS App Developer

MY SKILLS: * Platforms: iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, macOS * Languages: Swift, Objective-C, SQL, Dart & Flutter * All the usual Apple Frameworks: UIKit, SwiftUI, MapKit, CoreLocation, AVKit, StoreKit etc * Databases: Core Data, CoudKit, Realm, Firebase, SQL, ObjectBox, Parse * Other Libraries/frameworks: AWS, Facebook SDK, MapBox, AFNetworking/AlamoFire, SDWebImage, Vapour, SnapKit, Sourcery, SwiftGen & more * Source Control: Git, GitHub, Bitbucket. MY EXPERIENCE: * Programming since 2010 * Releasing iOS apps since 2014 * Freelancing on Upwork since 2016 * Top Rated freelancer since 2016 "Top Rated Plus is our way of highlighting freelancers and agencies who consistently perform on large contracts at the highest level." * Expert Vetted since 2023 "Expert-Vetted Talent is the top 1% — pre-screened by our Talent Managers and experts in their field." (this badge is only visible to Enterprise clients). * 100% Job Success Score since 2016 * Clients who would recommend me according to Upwork statistics: 98% * 62 completed contracts, 52 5 star reviews, 3 ~4.50 star reviews, 7 no feedback given * I estimate over 15,000 hours of coding experience creating apps and libraries for clients, my business and for fun * 8 apps published under my own developer account * 40+ apps released or updated for clients MY SERVICES: * Developing New Apps: Bring your ideas to life, whether you have a fully fleshed-out design or just a rough concept. I can work with you from the pre-development stage to app store release and beyond. * Enhancing Existing Apps: Improve your app by fixing bugs and implementing new features. If you're unsure about what needs to be done, I can review the code, identify problem areas, provide a full report and an estimate for you to decide on priorities and budget. * Consulting: Benefit from my expertise to guide you through the development process, ensuring you make informed decisions and achieve your project goals. * AI Generated Code Consultations: If you've been building your own app using AI to generate the code and have gotten stuck or need help, I can review the code and guide you to the next steps. MY WORKING STYLE: * Communication: I maintain clear and open communication for successful collaboration. I'm flexible with using Upwork, Slack, Zoom, Email, Phone, etc., as long as it complies with Upwork's rules. * Architecture: I write modular and S.O.L.I.D. code for better maintainability and reusability. * Unit Testing: I write unit tests to ensure app stability and maintainability, reducing development costs and improving app performance.

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  • App Marketplace
  • Fastlane
  • iOS
  • Native App Development
  • API Integration
  • Cocoa Touch
  • Core ML