Matt E.
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Amazon PPC Consultant - FBA Strategist - Listing Optimization

Amazon and Ecommerce PPC Marketing Expert. Amazon Advertising Accredited. 15 years of experience selling and managing ppc on the Amazon marketplace (sellercentral and vendor central). As an Amazon consultant I've helped 1000+ brands, of all sizes, across every category, improve sales, profit, ppc campaign performance, and brand awareness on the Amazon platform. I also help brands expand internationally and into other third part marketplaces like, eBay, target, and Instacart Advertising. I also work with brands on their DTC e-commerce strategies, which includes helping with Shopify, google, facebook, youtube, bing paid ads and email marketing/social media marketing. My Services Include: * Competitor and Market Analysis * Keyword Research and Reverse ASIN research * Listing Optimization (SEO) - Including Titles, Bullets, Description, EBC (Enhanced Brand Content), and A+ Content *Video Creation *Graphic Design Services * Branded Storefront design, optimization, strategy * Paid Advertising PPC Management - Including Sponsored Products, Headline Search Ads, Display Ads, AMS, DSP/Video * Marketing Promotional Calendar * Help with product reviews including automated messaging sequence and product inserts * Account Creation and Setup * Split Testing * Organic Keyword Rank Tracking * Financial Analysis * External Marketing Strategies * Vendor Central Specialist * Sellercentral FBA and logistics management * International Marketplace Expansion and Ad Management (Canada, UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Australia, Japan, UAE, Mexico, India) My expertise also extends to walmart marketplace, brand building, Facebook and google advertising, Shopify, and email marketing with Klaviyo Additional Info: -Bachelors of Science in Business Management and Organizations from Miami (OH) -Native English Speaker from Cleveland, Ohio -Coach High School Baseball and Soccer in my spare time

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