Ricielle Amour Z.
Santo TomasPhilippines
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Your go-to Lead Generation Expert, Marketing and Operations Manager.

Are you a business owner looking to get back 30-40 hours of work per week to focus on GROWING your business, instead of managing repetitive tasks? Then listen… …Because this may be the most important message you see all day. My name is Ricielle. And I’ve been working as a freelancer since October 2013 and have worked with 6-figure Agencies taking care of Marketing Ops, Lead Generation, and Account Management. But that’s not what matters here. What matters is how you, an already-successful agency owner, are being kept from SCALING beyond measure because “you don’t have enough hours in a day” And I get the struggle… …Answering clients… …Hopping on client calls… …Emails… …Everything adds up, and by the end of the day, you’re drained, and a huge pile of tasks remains there waiting for you… …But what if you could solve this? What if you could FINALLY get back the time you deserve and secretly daydream about? What if you could DELEGATE these tedious tasks and enjoy a present where you can focus on growing your business… …Instead of just ‘getting by’? Then you’ll love this: I can take care of ALLLLLL that for you… So if you want to get back to working ON your business, instead of working IN it… …And need a Lead Generation Expert, or a Operations Manager… …Hit me up, and we’ll discuss details. - Ricielle

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  • Telemarketing
  • Social Media Management
  • Facebook
  • List Building
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Word


Endorsements from past clients

"I have worked with Ricielle on numerous projects for over a year. She has excellent communication, speaks and writes English fluently and is all around a pleasure to work with. She is also able to think critically, provide feedback and be a partner for me in many of my projects. "

Michael H. | VP - Sales and Service
Mar 2020


"Ricielle is one of the best freelancers I've ever had the pleasure of working with. I hired her to help me with some data entry work, as well as boost my marketing efforts though social media. Her knowledge, attention to detail, and communication skills are unparalleled. Thank you, Ricielle, for all of your help and hard work. :)"

Amanda R. | CEO and Founder
Lead Generation Mar 2020
