Muhammad H.
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Frontend, Webflow, Wordpress, Shopify, AMP, Hubspot, Email Templates

I have vast experience in web development, specially frontend , my skills make me an exceptional choice for your projects that involve Building Websites from Scratch Or Update Existing website with new features I have following skills: HTML5 CSS3 Javascript, jQuery Twitter Bootstrap, Foundation & many other PHP, MYSQL, AJAX, AMP ( Accelerated Mobile Pages ) Email Templates, Mailchimp, Hubspot, Klaviyo Wordpress, Webflow WooCommerce, Shopify PSD, XD, Ai, Zeplin, Figma, Webflow, invisionapp & more My specialty is turning Design source files ( PSD, XD, Ai, Zeplin, Figma, Invisionapp etc. ) into dynamic live websites ( Static, Wordpress, Webflow, Shopify ) What you Get? 100% satisfaction before last payment, Backup for my work / code for 1-3 months Easily Manageable Website I also do Email Coding for all ( Custom, Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Hubspot & more ) Thank you very much for taking time to read my profile. Please Hire Me! to give it a chance and pay after you satisfied.

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  • Responsive Design
  • Page Speed Optimization
  • Website Migration

Get started working with Muhammad quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Muhammad quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get Framer Website, Framer App Expert, Framer Animation & CMS, Figma to Framer

From $99
2 days delivery

You will get Elementor Expert, Elementor Pro, Elementor Wordpress, Elementor Designer

From $79
2 days delivery

You will get Pro Wordpress Website with Divi Builder, Beaver Builder Or Visual Composer

From $79
2 days delivery

You will get Shopify Store, Shopify Ecommerce, Theme Development and Customization

From $200
3 days delivery


Endorsements from past clients

"Haroon and I have been working closely together for years now. There is nobody with whom I would rather work on my websites than him. His experience and knowledge of best practices in coding are better than anyone I have ever met. He also stays on top of new technologies, so that whenever he works on any of our projects, they are always state of the art. Not hiring him would be a mistake!"

Benjamin J. | Founder, Art Director
Wordpress Projects Feb 2021
