Andrew D.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Technical VA with Wordpress

TECHNICAL SKILLS 1. Domains and DNS - Domain Registration and Transfer - DNS Management (A, CNAME, TXT, MX) 2. Website Development - Builder: WordPress, Elementor, Divi, Wix, Shopify -Marketing: Kajabi, EverWebinar, Mailchimp, Aweber, Zapier, Zoho Campaign 3. Shopify -I am a Shopify Partner. I'll do all the shopify setup for you. No need for a trial account with Shopify. You will only pay the monthly recurring subscription once you will decide for the final website launch. 4. Tools Productivity Software: Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Zoho Workplace Project Management Tool: ClickUp, Podio, Asana, Freedcamp, Basecamp Customer Support Software: Freshdesk, Zendesk, Rave 5. Website Migration 6. Microsoft 365 Admin Center - DNS Management - Microsoft 365 Desktop App - Exchange Setup (Outlook 365, MacMail etc.) - SharePoint / OneDrive - MS Teams / SFB 7. Technical Documentation Writer -User Manual / User Guide -Product Documentation -Online FAQ / Knowledgebase 8. Version Control / Repository Github: Gitlab: Checklist for Business Website StartUps: Tutorials:

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  • Server Administration
  • Elementor
  • Technical Support
  • WordPress
  • Web Hosting