RajaRajeswari Devi M.
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Process Engineering & Automation Specialist

I have been working on designing and developing BPM applications using open-source BPM platforms (like Camunda, Bonitasoft BPM) in various domains like Banking, Retail, Finance and e-Governance along with notable experience in working for end-to-end product(s) development as well. Being an architect to develop and implement a BPM solution at enterprise level, I also happen to - develop and/or consume micro-services to enable the integration with other modules / applications - Couple BPM messaging events with messaging queues (sync & async) like RabbitMQ, Kafka and Redis by consuming or building new connectors - Customise BPM engine platform to enable multi-tenancy, external authentication (LDAP, 2FA or any custom), authorisation, look & feel, email notifications, exception logging - Custom rule engine integration - Develop very efficient solutions as applicable by utilising DMNs along with BPMNs My additional skills include: - Designing UX using Figma - Developing UI with Angular or AngularJS, Bootstrap deployed as a node application - Create REST API in SpringBoot or Node (using Loopback 4.0) My work goes in a cost-effective way using open-source BPM platforms that saved many $$$ for my Global Clients.

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  • Spring Boot
  • Microservice
  • Business Process Model & Notation
  • Bonita
  • Process Improvement
  • Requirement Analysis
  • Software Architecture & Design

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Get started working with RajaRajeswari Devi quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a customised BPMN Modeler

From $4,500
15 days delivery


Endorsements from past clients

"We have been working with Raji and her team for the past 7 months and without doubt, she is one of the finest partners we have had. Raji is very committed to her work and conscientious to a fault. She always ready to take up a new challenge and brings her immense expertise in BPMN resulting in innovative, replicable and scalable solutions. Her grasp of things ensures that she understands high-level specs and doesn't have to be told every tiny detail saving us a lot of time writing specs. It's also a pleasure to work with someone who takes a genuine interest in the client's domain and readily contributes towards overall improvements. In nutshell, if you are serious about implementing BPMN you should hire her without a second thought. "

Sumeet K. | CEO
Business workflow development for end-to-end product customization Aug 2020
