S M Shahriar K.
100% Job Success
Top Rated

10+ Years | WordPress | WooCommerce | Shopify

Award-Winning WordPress Developer | Shopify Certified Hi there! I'm Shahriar Kabir, a passionate WordPress expert with a love for open-source software. With a decade of experience and a top-rated Upwork profile, I specialize in custom theme and WooCommerce plugin development through my thriving web agency, WebFix Lab. Also I am a co-founder of a Shopify development agency called KlinKode, specializing in custom Liquid coding and Shopify app development. Throughout my career, I've had the pleasure of working on hundreds of custom WordPress, WooCommerce and Shopify projects for clients across 30+ countries, including businesses generating millions in revenue. My tailor-made web solutions have driven growth and made a lasting impression, earning me the BASIS Outsourcing Award 2020 for outstanding WordPress success. As a WordCamp participant and co-founder of WebFix Lab, I've contributed to the WordPress community with 6+ plugins, boasting over 30,000 downloads. I believe in empowering businesses with unique, high-impact web solutions that reflect their identity and values. If you're looking to supercharge your website with a seasoned WordPress developer who understands the needs of successful businesses, let's chat and create something amazing together! Last updated: Sep 10, 2023

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  • Elementor
  • Theme Customization
  • Ecommerce Website
  • WordPress Plugin
  • Bug Fix
  • Website Customization
  • WordPress Development
  • Plugin Development

Get started working with S M Shahriar quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with S M Shahriar quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get premium WordPress plugin customization support

From $95
1 day delivery

You will get WordPress website theme customization support

From $55
1 day delivery

You will get WordPress bugs, errors fixing & troubleshooting

From $100
1 day delivery

You will get a complete WooCommerce customization support

From $55
1 day delivery