Samantha S.
WirralUnited Kingdom
100% Job Success

Early Years Content, Copywriting and Consulting

Hi! I’m an Early Years Teacher from the UK looking to help businesses produce high-quality, authoritative content in the Early Years and Childcare niche. I hold both Qualified Teacher Status and Early Years Professional Status and recently completed my Masters degree in Childhood Studies and Early Years so I have plenty of academic knowledge to draw from when writing for you, giving a professional and specialised finished product. With plenty of on-the-ground experience working with children, and management and leadership roles, I understand the day to day realities of the Early Years sector and can produce relatable content that reflects this. I’d love to hear from nurseries, daycare centres, preschools, kindergartens or Early childhood centres hoping to improve their website copy or content, as well as businesses with a focus on child development.

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  • Fiction Writing
  • Content Editing
  • Proofreading
  • Nonfiction