Jeff M.
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Experienced Science Editor

Editing is my full-time career, not just something I do on the side. Over the years, I’ve refined an ability to extract coherence from ambiguity; I translate nominal English into excellent English with natural flow and grammar. I can bring a tremendous amount of experience to your project. • I check - the technical use of language (punctuation, spelling, grammar, etc.). - the informal use of language (does it sound natural to a native English-speaker?, does it have a consistent voice and tone?, does it make sense?). - internal consistency and compliance with formatting instructions. • 27 years of experience helping mainly ESL authors in academia and industry prepare their material for publication in peer-reviewed journals in English (more than 8500 documents edited) • Have edited material in a wide range of fields - Medicine — cardiology, neurology, orthodontics, internal medicine, cancer research… - Natural sciences — plant genetics, natural product synthesis, chemical sensing through non-linear dynamics, computer simulations of insect walking behavior… - Social sciences — psychology, primate behavior, child development, sociology… - Other non-fiction — PowerPoint presentations, speeches, fellowship applications, biographies, theses and dissertations… • Will meet all deadlines • While I wouldn’t consider myself an expert in any one style, I’ve worked with APA, AMA, Chicago, CSE, and all of the idiosyncratic requirements of countless journals. Here are some excerpts from unsolicited letters from publishers who were seeking permission to recommend my services: - from the Managing Editor, John Wiley and Sons, Japan: “I am writing to you based on a recommendation from several of our journal editors regarding your Technical English Editing Service…I have been seeking experienced and reliable services to recommend to authors…I wonder if your company would be interested in participating in this scheme...” - from the Associate Editor, Journal of the American Chemical Society: “Recently, Prof. xxx sent me a manuscript which had been corrected by you and which I found to be written in excellent, scientifically accurate English. In fact, the improvement made to Prof. xxx’s original draft far exceeded anything that the professional translation agencies in Japan seem able to achieve.” - from the Manager, Editorial Operations, American Institute of Physics: “…the quality of the editing is very high…”

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