Michael S.
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Cap Raise, Investor Readiness & Operations Advisory

If you are a startup or early-stage founder with a compelling business opportunity but under-capitalized and want to seek funding options, let's talk. I understand, very specifically, what institutional investors want to see to consider your opportunity. Or, as well-known Venture Capitalist Marc Andreesen once said, "The difference between a vision and a hallucination is others will see your vision". I have 20+ years experience in capital markets, both as a founder and working with other founders in successful funding events exceeding $ 450 million. The plan that drives a cap raise begins with a cogent, well-organized, and executable roadmap. Where you are today? How will a capital infusion from an outsider willing to take on the risk allow you to get to the next level? Here is how I start: - Funding readiness: Are you operationally ready? If you're ready, I will tell you. If you’re close but not quite there, I’ll tell you. If you have a lot of work to do before investors will consider you, I'll tell you where the gaps are and let you decide what comes next. - Investor Book: If you're (close to) investor-ready, it's time to build a strong Investor book, guided by your industry and what portfolio investors in your space want to see. - Investor Targets: Investor book is underway. In tandem with, we begin investor due diligence to build a targeted investor list. We look for connections and referrals to partners, analysts, or anyone who can open doors to the target investor. Many believe this is a quick & easy process. You need to know the investors you'll be pitching as if you've worked with them before. If what I've shared makes sense, let's connect, either by direct message or you may invite me to a job you posted on the platform. We can briefly discuss your goals and how I can be of material value if there's a fit. To your success, Mike

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  • Strategic Plan
  • Management Consulting
  • Company Valuation
  • Valuation
  • Forecasting
  • Investor Roadshow
  • Investor List
  • Venture Capital Consulting