Dharmendra Singh J.
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Web Development Expert (CodeIgniter, Laravel, Zend, CakePHP, SaaS)

****HIGHLIGHTS**** ✅ 10+ years of experience in Web developmentn and Saas Application Development. ✅ 16,000+ Hours worked ✅ $300K+ Earned on Upwork To develop the most comprehensive and stable applications. Have always been passionate towards developing large and complex solutions. Solutions I have developed have grown up a lot in terms of user traffic, online transactions, database records. I have worked on DRM based applications, database clusters, multiple websites with one control panel, etc. Recently one of the sites I developed has crossed 750 million census records in MySQL database. ****SKILLS & COMPETENCIES**** • Web Mobile & Software development • Full stack web development • PHP Development • New ecommerce site development • Ecommerce Development • Web Development • SaaS based web applications development ****TECHNICAL EXPERTISE**** - Scripting Language: PHP 5.x, PHP 7.x - Frameworks: CakePHP, Laravel, Yii, CodeIgniter, Symfony and Zend. - CMSs and Ecommerce solution: BigCommerce, Joomla, OpenCart - Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, MariaDB, MSSQL - Server: Linux, AWS, Google App Engine - Frontend Stack: HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, Angular.js - Repositories: GitHub, BitBucket - Project Management Tools: ASANA, JIRA, Basecamp, Slack etc. ****VERTICALS WORKED ON**** - Classified website development - Travel Portal development - Food Ordering website development - On demand service website development - Social networking/community website development - Marketplace and multi-vendor website development - Crowdfunding websites - Crowdsourcing websites - Real Estate Portal development - Custom Ecommerce website development - Job Portal development - Inventory management systems - B2B website development - BigCommerce website development - BigCommerce theme integration and customization - BigCommerce apps development - BigCommerce apps integration and customization - OpenCart Ecommerce website development - OpenCart customization - OpenCart theme development and customization - Joomla website development - Joomla Theme Integration and Customization - Joomla Extension Integration, Development and Customization - CRM and ERP Integration such as Salesforce, QuickBooks - 3rd party Inventory system integration - Troubleshooting and Fixing existing websites and web applications - MailChimp, Aweber Integration - Payment Gateway Integration such as PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.net, Braintree - Social Media Integration (FB, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, YouTube) Core competency lies in complete end to end management of a website development project, and I am seeking opportunities to build and maintain websites/web applications for you or your business to get the desired market penetration. Associated with SynapseIndia, an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. We are an over 20-year-old company which has completed 10,000+ projects for clients worldwide, including over 5,000 high-value projects on Upwork itself and over $20 Million in Upwork earnings. We are a Microsoft Gold Partner, partners with Shopify, BigCommerce and Kentico and our processes are in line with CMMI Level 3 standards which ensures that the development processes we follow are matching the best in the industry and ensure maximum quality and efficiency. We ensure sustained customer satisfaction by producing, delivering services and providing support functions that meet customer's needs and expectations.

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  • SaaS
  • Laravel
  • Yii
  • PrestaShop