Manoj K.
100% Job Success

React developer | Redux Toolkit | Next.js | Tailwind | Bootstrap

With 10+ years devoted to frontend excellence and 2 years as a Fullstack developer, I thrive on MERN's power since 2021. I'm an ambitious, tech-savvy, and detail-focused professional with a passion for crafting top-notch solutions. I'm fully dedicated, available full-time, and adaptable to any time zone. Let's collaborate to elevate your projects with my extensive experience and dynamic skill set. My Skills include: * HTML5, CSS3, SASS, SCSS, Flexbox and CSS GRID * Bootstrap 4-5+, TailwindCSS, Semantic UI, MaterializeCSS, * Reactjs, Next.js MUI, Styled Components. Ant design, Angular * Redux toolkit, RTK query, ContextAPI * Git/BitBucket/Gulp * jQuery/Javascript, Typescript * Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB

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  • ECMAScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Figma
  • Angular
  • Redux
  • TypeScript
  • Sass
  • jQuery
  • PSD to HTML