Prem Pratap S.
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Swift, SwiftUI, Combine, CoreData, TDD, MVVM, Git, Firebase | 6 years

Hi 👋🏼, I am passionate about iOS technologies stack and have been developing pixel perfect, scalable and performant native iOS apps for more than 6 years. I am looking for new projects where I could utilise my skills/experience to contribute for innovative iOS apps' development and/or enhancements while effectively collaborating with the product and engineering team. ⎯ Why I may be a good fit for your project? ⎯ 👨‍💻 I have worked on 50+ native iOS development/enhancement projects of different size and complexity and have earned strong professional relationships, feedbacks and recommendations. Under the Portfolio section, you will find details and links of some of the best projects, I have worked on. 
🏣 I have worked with several renowned tech and product companies like TrustedShops (Germany), MyInnerMe (Denmark), TravelBank (USA), AltaCucina (Italy) and Blippar (London) as a remote iOS engineer and thus have the mindset of working, collaborating and communicating with a distributed team of product managers, UI/UX designers, backend developers, Android developers, etc.
 🤹 I am skilled in iOS technologies like Swift, Objective-C, UIKit, SwiftUI, CoreData, AVFoundation, VIPER/MVVM, RxSwift, Backend API integration, Test driven development, Git, Fastlane, CI/CD, Cocoapod/SPM, etc.
 📱 I love creating rich and pixel perfect UI/UX based on Figma design specs while making it adaptable to different iPhone/iPad screens.
 🏂 I have experience in Agile workflows like sprint planning, backlog grooming, daily standup, retrospective calls and other development/QA/demo/release flows. Developing iPhone/iPad apps is not just a profession for me, rather its my passion. I believe, with innovative mobile apps, we can help people bring positive changes, growth and happiness in their life. With this inspiration and passion, I drive my day to day iOS engineering work. ⎯⎯⎯ My technical skills ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⦿ Swift, Objective-C, SwiftUI, UIKit, Core Data, AVFoundation, ARC, GCD, Realm, Combine, RxSwift, MVVM, VIPER and other related iOS technical stacks. ⦿ Pixel perfect UI/UX design, animation and transitions based on Figma, Sketch or other design specifications. I am comfortable with both programmatic UI design using AutoLayout and StoryBoard based design. ⦿ Architecture design using Swift design patterns like VIPER, MVVMC, MVVM while following clean code principles like OOPS and SOLID. ⦿ 3rd party library integration like Stripe, Realm, Branch, Segment, MixPanel, Firebase, Google, AWS, Facebook, Instagram and other mostly used iOS frameworks. ⦿ Test driven development (TDD) using XCTest framework and test automation using Fastlane. ⦿ Integration with backend APIs like Amazon AWS, Firebase, NodeJS, etc ⦿ In app purchase (IAP) integration ⦿ Analytics with tools like MixPanel, Segment, Firebase, etc ⦿ TestFlight and AppStore build creation, delivery and overall release management with either Manual or CI tools like Fastlane, Git actions, Circle CI, etc ⎯⎯⎯ My Experience ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ I have worked with these US and Europe based tech/product companies, where I contributed as a full time remote iOS developer and worked with a distributed product engineering team of product owners, UI/UX designers, backend developers, android developers and QAs, 
⦿ TrustedShops (Germany) - 3 Years 
⦿ MyInnerMe (Denmark) - 1 Year 
⦿ TravelBank (USA) - 11 Months 
⦿ Altacucina (Italy) - 1 Year 6 Months 
⦿ EcoHealth (USA) - 3 Months These were highly successful projects and taught me about the startup mindset for taking ownership of the work/product, team collaboration, real time communication, transparency, idea generation and other traits to deliver successful products while working as a team. ⎯⎯⎯ What I do in my free time ⎯⎯⎯ Like other technologies, iOS tech stack also keeps evolving with new frameworks like SwiftUI, Combine, ARKit, VisionOS etc, hence I spend good amount of time on self learning and experimental projects. "Raywenderlich" and "Hacking With Swift" are my favourite learning resources. Playing with my son, taking quick nap and cooking delicious meal is what I love to do in my free time. Learning Spanish guitar has been one of my long awaited desires, I look forward spending some time learning it soon. Thank you for your time and have a great day!

Prem Pratap S. has more jobs. Create an account to review them


  • iPhone & iPad Apps
  • iOS
  • RxSwift
  • Fastlane
  • iOS SDK


Endorsements from past clients

"I hired Prem to develop from scratch our iOS app, it was very good to work with Prem and he is a very nice person to work with. "

Simone M. | Project Manager - AltaCucina iOS Platform
Oct 2020


"2 Years ago I met Prem on Upwork and hired him to develop my first iOS app. I knew nothing about the app Industry, I just knew I had a great idea. Prem took my ideas and made them a reality. He went above and beyond what normal developers would do. He put in extra hours to make sure the app was flawless and exactly how I wanted it. I credit Prem for jumpstarting my app publishing career and being the first builder of "Drop In App." "Drop In" is now the #1 Fortnite Companion App in the iOS App Store Worldwide, with over 1.5 Million Downloads! Without Prem's top tier coding ability, matched with his impeccable work ethic, I wouldn't be where I am today. I highly reccomend Prem for any project. I have no doubt he will be able to make your dream a reality, just as he did for me."

Adam F. | Drop In App Project Manager
Oct 2020


"Prem took over the development of our iOS app (digital family therapy) and worked on the project for almost a year. Our users are now requesting an Android version, so we have decided to test the development in Flutter. Prem was offered to retrain as a Flutter developer so we could continue working, but he wanted to remain an iOS developer and further develop his skills within this language. Prem is always positive and manages to translate our innovative ideas into something concrete. That is, he understands meaning and context and can concretize it into a real product. It's really nice when you can't write code yourself. We give our warmest recommendations to Prem."

Louise Herping E. | Project Manager
Dec 2020
