MD Shahadat H.
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A Confident PDF Conversion Expert

As a seasoned Upwork professional with a passion for precision and efficiency, I bring over a decade of expertise in data entry and specialized skills in handling PDF tasks. With a stellar track record of 250+ completed projects, I specialize in PDF management, conversions, and form creation. My core competencies include: -PDF Fillable Form Creation: Proficient in crafting dynamic, user-friendly PDF forms tailored to specific needs. -PDF Conversion Mastery: Expert in converting PDFs to Word, Excel, and other formats while maintaining formatting and accuracy. -PDF Editing & Data Extraction: Skilled in manipulating and extracting crucial data from PDFs, ensuring seamless modifications without compromising integrity. -Excel Database Cleaning: Capable of meticulous data cleansing and organization within Excel databases, ensuring optimal accuracy and accessibility. -Web Research & Data Collection: Proficient in extensive web research and meticulous data gathering to meet client requirements effectively. -OCR Expertise: Utilizing Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tools for seamless text extraction and conversion. My commitment revolves around delivering top-notch quality, meeting deadlines, and exceeding client expectations. I am dedicated to streamlining workflows and providing solutions that optimize data management and efficiency. Let's collaborate to streamline your PDF-related tasks and enhance your data entry processes. I am committed to providing high-quality, accurate work that aligns with your vision. Reach out, and let's discuss how I can contribute to your project's success."

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  • PDF
  • PDF Pro
  • Google Sheets
  • Formatting

Get started working with MD Shahadat quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with MD Shahadat quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get Old Scanned PDF To Excel/Google Sheets/CSV High Quality Conversion!

From $20
1 day delivery

You will get Master Excel Sheet from different Excel Sheets (Combine Excel into One)

From $20
1 day delivery

You will get a Professional Looking PDF Fillable Form from Word Doc/PDF

From $10
1 day delivery

You will get PDF Bank Statement Converted to Excel/CSV/Google Sheet High Quality Service

From $20
1 day delivery