Rushabh D.
94% Job Success
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Full-stack developer | API and payment gateway expert | PHP

*Are you looking for a full stack developer? *Do you need help implementing a payment solution to your business? *Do you need some customization to existing Wordpress plugin or PHP script quickly? *You need some complex script/utility developed 98% of programmers failed to do? *You need any 3rd party API like Google API, Facebook API integrated to your website? If answer to any of these questions is yes, you are at the right place. Below are some testimonials from results I've created: "Rushabh Dave's professional skills are incredible. He was able to complete a project that 10 other highly-skilled professionals have failed, including patching existing plugins and fixing the work of others, doing so with dedication and great communication skills His work improved my product dramatically. I highly recommend him." - Amit Moshe "He delivered good work on this WordPress development project and I enjoyed working with him. His communication was top-notch, he met all deadlines, and his skills were reasonably strong. At one point I asked for an additional milestone and he was very forthcoming that the additional work was outside his area of expertise. I enjoyed working with him." - Irfan Majeed Hello! This is Rushabh Dave, a full stack developer and payment gateway specialist. My Expertise is in following areas: * API integration and payment gateway integration. Building solutions to connect with acquiring banks, processors (Visa, MasterCard, Amex) with the business systems. * Payment wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay integration. * PHP and MVC frameworks such as Laravel, CodeIgniter * Wordpress - Plugin and theme development and customization - Woocommerce, Gravity Forms advanced customization and programming - Multisite plugin development - Theme customization like Divi, Avada, ListingPro * Magento and Prestashop module development. * MySQL, MySQLi, PDO as backend database. * Expertise in Javascript, jQuery and a lot of experience customizing websites built in React JS, Node JS, Vuejs * Great experience in version control and deployment tools like Github, CI/CD, docker. Zoho, Zapier, TravelStart, Booking APIs are some of my work I've integrated to websites. I can also develop API which can be used as web service or backend service for Android and iOS apps. Integrating payment gateways like Paypal Payment Standard, Paypal payments Pro, Webflow, Express checkout, Stripe, CC processors is very easy for me and I have integrated them with many e-commerce web applications. Based on the reviews from the clients I have great understanding of client requirements and have provided them the best solutions. Communication has always been to the point and that's why clients hire me over and over. Here are couple of more testimonials from clients whom I helped to grow their product/business website: "He cares. He has a really great work ethic. We went above and beyond to make a cronjob works and tweaked things afterwards, when it weren't clear on my end." - Joaquin "Rushabh is a team player with great communication. We had some slight technical issues in the beginning but he made sure to sort everything out, great guy and very trustworthy, would recommend to anyone." - David If you are tired of changing programmers, non-responsive/irregular developers or looking for long term reliable webmaster, you are just away from clicking Hire button for my profile. "Creating Innovative things needs innovative developers", I believe. Find out how.

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  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • WordPress
  • MySQL Programming
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • FinTech Consulting
  • Laravel