Vlad T.
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Data Extraction & Processing Expert | AI | Technical Architect

💻 Python Developer ✅ Certified Technical Architect 🎓 Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics 🤖 Utilizing OpenAI/HuggingFace for advanced data processing 💎 Perfectionist ⌛ 10+ years in Development / Solution Design 🗝️ Specialized in Captcha-Solution ✅ 300+ sites scraped successfully for 130+ Upwork clients, including: ➡️ HUGE websites - i.e., manageo.fr with 30 million pages for 10 million companies. ➡️ Complicated AngularJS and other dynamic sites, requiring Selenium or deep dive into their networking methods, or solving ReCaptchas. ✅ Applied Maths degree, experience with Data Analysis. ✅ Expertise in API and Web development. ✅ Long-term project support.

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  • Python
  • PostgreSQL
  • Salesforce App Development
  • Scrapy
  • OpenAI API