Alec N.
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Seasoned Affiliate Program Manager with 12+ Years Expertise

Over the last 12 years, I have honed my skills and experience to manage and run successful affiliate programs for my clients. I’ve helped multiple brands across various industries, including home and furniture, health and wellness, fitness, keto, fashion, home décor, jewelry, debt settlement, automotive, CBD, SaaS, B2B, and real estate, among others. Specialization: I specialize in eCommerce brands, helping them develop meaningful collaborations with influencers, content creators, and other types of affiliates. Affiliate Networks Experience: Commission Junction: 7+ years Rakuten Advertising: 3+ years ShareASale: 9+ years Pepperjam: 5+ years Flex Offers: 1+ year LinkConnector: 6+ months ClickBank: 1+ year Webgains: 3 months Zanox: 4 months Awin: 6+ months AvantLink: 1+ year 1+ year Lower Cost Affiliate Tracking Software Proficiency: Post Affiliate Pro HasOffers Get Cake Omnistar WordPress Affiliate Software Refersion LeadDyno Get Ambassador GoAffPro UpPromote Dovetail Snowball Influencer Platforms Proficiency Shopify Collabs TikTok Shop Affiliate Center As your Dedicated Affiliate Relations Manager, you'll enjoy the following services Affiliate Program Setup and Startup Affiliate Program Audits and Work Plans Recruiting Affiliates Using Various Methods Building Relationships with Existing Affiliates to Improve Performance Incorporating Strategies to Empower or Improve Affiliate Performance Researching and Analyzing Competitive Websites to Identify Areas of Improvement Creating Weekly, Biweekly, or Monthly Affiliate Reports Developing Marketing Materials for Affiliates (including banners and text links) Crafting Monthly Newsletters with Affiliate Promotions to Motivate and Engage Affiliates Constant Communication with Affiliates to Ensure Success and Activity Addressing and Resolving Queries from Affiliates Screening Affiliates to Ensure Compliance with Company Policies and Terms Objective: My goal is to boost your brand's overall revenue by 15% or more through affiliate and influencer collaborations. I will implement various strategies to achieve this and ensure the success of your affiliate program.

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