Vinitha V.
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Design/ Animation/ Illustration/ Branding

*** Top Rated Freelancer *** ** More than 1000 hours completed** I am a passionate and creative Graphic Designer & Animator. With more than 10+ years of experience. I am proficient in Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects and other aspects of adobe creative suite. I also have experience in 3D & 2D Softwares like Maya & 3dsMax, Adobe Flash. My expertise as well extends to Brand Design, 3D & 2D Animation. I work quickly and efficiently with a high attention to detail. I have extensive experience of producing successful creative solutions to meet the demands of challenging briefs and client expectations. I also have a proven track record in producing accurate, sharp and detailed work on time and on budget. I have been able to retain most of our clients and they keep giving me more work. I would like to thank them all! Some might call this luck, others​ might call it quality! If you have a design or animation project in mind, let me know, I'll be more than happy to help!

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  • Logo Design
  • Video Production
  • Business Card Design
  • Whiteboard Animation
  • Motion Graphics
  • Explainer Video

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Get started working with Vinitha quickly with these predefined projects.

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