Vikash M.
93% Job Success
Top Rated

SEO/Web Development/SMM/Google Analytic/Webmaster/Wordpress/Digital M.

Greetings, I am Vikash Mishra, a distinguished Digital Marketing professional. Please peruse my portfolio, where I have meticulously showcased my past projects, affirming my expertise in the realm of Digital Marketing. I am here to extend my assistance to any client in need of unparalleled Digital Marketing and Web Development services. With a fervent commitment to excellence, I pledge to deliver 100% guaranteed quality work tailored precisely to meet the unique requirements of each client. My proficiency spans a comprehensive array of skills, encompassing SEO (both On-page and Off-page), Social Media Marketing across platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, along with adeptness in utilizing analytical tools including Google Analytics. Moreover, I am well-versed in leveraging advertising platforms such as Google AdWords, and possess proficiency in utilizing tools like Web Master, SEMrush, Screaming Frog, and MOZ to maximize online visibility and enhance digital performance. Additionally, my expertise extends to web development technologies including WordPress, Yoast SEO, All in One SEO, Shopify Store Development & SEO, GoDaddy Editor, Wix, Squarespace, Bootstrap, PHP, Javascript, as well as proficiency in crafting responsive designs utilizing HTML5 and CSS3. To those in search of assured quality work, I extend an earnest invitation to entrust your requirements to me. Let me assure you, your satisfaction is my utmost priority, and I am dedicated to delivering nothing short of excellence. Best Regards, Vikash Mishra

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  • SEO Audit
  • Yoast SEO
  • Moz
  • Google Search Console
  • Ahrefs

Get started working with Vikash quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Vikash quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get Pro SEO Services of WordPress, Shopify, Squarespace and Wix sites.

From $150
30 days delivery


Endorsements from past clients

"I hired Vikash to update and fix many issues with my Shopify store. He worked very diligently and implemented some great things. I look forward to working with Vikash in the future as I regard him as an asset to my team. "

Caroline N. | Founder
Feb 2020
