David H.
BristolUnited Kingdom
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Creative UK Graphic & Web Designer, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign

Accomplished and versatile graphic designer in the UK, boasting a decade of hands-on experience in both web and print design. A true collaborator, I possess outstanding interpersonal skills and thrive within team settings, effectively communicating through both writing and speech. My dedication knows no bounds, as I am unwavering in my pursuit of perfection and meticulous attention to detail. My expertise lies not only in design but also in building strong client and customer relationships. Driven by an unwavering passion, I approach every project with tenacity, ensuring timely completion in deadline-driven environments while maintaining an unwavering commitment to delivering top-notch products and services. Let's work together to take your project to the next level!

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  • Packaging Design
  • Print Design
  • Business Card
  • Menu
  • Brochure
  • Poster Design

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