Dan M.
BirminghamUnited Kingdom
99% Job Success
Top Rated

Expert B2B Content Writer, Copywriter and Storyteller

Online content is powerful... As long as you know how to catch attention, keep people engaged, and use emotional hooks to persuade prospects. The problem is - most online content is, well, how to put this kindly... A bit boring. And it's getting worse as more and more bland AI content floods the web. You need content that hooks people. Only emotionally-driven human-written content can do that. Even in B2B marketing, engaging, compelling content works best. Content designed to catch attention and keep people interested in your offering. Every word needs to earn its place on the page. That's why I use a unique, tried and true storytelling method. People are hard-wired to enjoy stories and if you know what you're doing, you can use this to produce highly engaging content. My writing: → stands out → tells a story → informs and engages → is clear and engaging → generates more sales and leads. → uses emotional hooks to draw people in → is tailored towards the needs of your target market **************************************************************************************** ⚜ Feedback from a recent Upwork client ⚜ "Dan is an AMAZING content writer. He understands technology, which makes things easier for us when we have to create more technical content. He is very responsive and always keeps you posted on the status of the projects. I highly recommend everyone to work with Dan." **************************************************************************************** Any copy or content that I write: ✔is aimed squarely at your target market. I get to know the market inside out and understand their emotional triggers ✔includes story-telling elements to capture the imagination (I'm a published fiction author on the side) ✔ has a consistent tone of voice that appeals to your target audience ✔ communicates clear value propositions to your market To see examples of my work, you can head over to my blog on Medium where I write under the name Dan Martin. ***Content that NURTURES A SALE, rather than aggressively pushing one*** You want more for your business. High conversions. More leads. Exceptional value. Bigger growth. Whatever it is - there's a way to get it. How? Engaging content. Content that tells a story, as well as educates. Whitepapers to inform people with technical info, while subtly convincing them to try your solution. It all boils down to understanding your market, working out what they want to know, then delivering that in an informative and compelling way. ===================================================== ⚜ TESTIMONIALS FROM PREVIOUS UPWORK CLIENTS ⚜ "My experience with Dan was amazing. He's a great communicator with impeccable timeliness. Reviewing Dan's work was almost unnecessary as his attention to detail and quality were fantastic." "Great work...even on my most difficult assignment. Looking forward to working together in the future. Highly Recommended!" ===================================================== *** What do YOU NEED in a content writer? *** You need someone who takes these things seriously. Someone who wants to help your business grow. Someone dedicated to your success. Someone who can create an effective content strategy, as well as write in a way that engages and persuades. You know good content when you see it. It's that point when you realize that you've been reading for a few minutes, without a single thought like, "What's this guy on about?" or "Why would I care about that?" That's what I deliver. With a degree in Civil Engineering, a keen interest in coding, and qualified to write creative content, I'm an all-rounder who can help with all your content needs. *** MY SERVICES *** I specialise (specialize for any American readers!) in the following: ✏ Articles ✏ Blog post writing ✏ White papers ✏ Brochures, press releases, etc ✏ Social media posts - especially LinkedIn ✏ Advertising copy - e.g. Google Ads, Facebook Ads ✏ Technical Documentation writing ✏ Web copywriting ✏ B2B marketing ✏ B2C Funnels *** What to do NOW *** Let's discuss your project! To hire me or ask a question, just click the contact button near the top of the screen and I'll get back to you ASAP.


  • Technical Writing
  • Online Writing
  • Sales Writing

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Get started working with Dan quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get an engaging and compelling article or blog post on a technical topic

From $100
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