Nishant S.
99% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Designer, WP, Landing pages, Presentations & videos |18 yr. experience

Top-Rated Plus Designer with a 100% job success score. It implies that you can trust me for your projects in terms of quality and commitment. If you are looking for a creative designer for long-term requirements, then I can help. I am still working with my first client on UpWork (8+ years relationship) and have 80% of clients as repeats. During this while, I have worked with clients like Microsoft, Upwork, Nokia, Yahoo, Fair Marketing, Dell Boomi, Kevin Viner, Benjamin Simkin, Fabienne Bratschi, and over 120 more. All this while, I have been learning new things, getting numerous certifications, and reading hundreds of books to keep my skill up. As a result, some goodies followed. Here are a few noted ones: Young Jury at Awwwards CSS Design Award Winner Platinum Designer at 99designs Top-Rated Plus Upwork Talent Hire me for Honesty, Commitment, Availability, Fluency in language, Creativity, and a delightful design experience. I can help you with Divi, Unbounce, landing pages, infographics (static/animated/web), UI/ UX, Adobe Photoshop, Pitch Deck Design, Google Web Designer, Facebook Ads, Image retouching, website design and development, WordPress and a lot more. Looking forward to working with you and am excited to delight you with the service experience that my clients enjoy and love. Best, Nishant Sapra The Dreamer Designs

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  • Divi
  • WordPress
  • Unbounce
  • Animated GIF
  • Business Card
  • Social Media Design

Get started working with Nishant quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Nishant quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get an Unbounce page designed and developed for conversions.

From $350
5 days delivery

You will get a WordPress website which is custom tailored for your business.

From $800
12 days delivery