Deirdra S.
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Freelance Copywriter/Copyeditor/Article Rewriter

Dee Dee has teamed with various digital marketing agencies having worked in their writing and editing departments. Additionally, she has held copywriting and copyediting assignments with golf retailers, fashion designers, artists, and chefs. She completed the Google Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Course to learn more about social media and SEO keywords. Dee Dee has a high customer retention rate and will accept last-minute projects.

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  • Online Writing


Endorsements from past clients

"I hired Deirdra to write product descriptions for our website. I found that she is not only a great writer, she also gets the work done in a timely manner. Deirdra is also super easy to communicate with. Overall, she is a pleasure to work with and I'm happy to keep working with her in the future."

Roman K. | Business Owner
Product Descriptions Mar 2023


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