Penelope B.
100% Job Success
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Architecture and Interior Design Writer

Wordsmith for hire -- professional journalist, copywriter, content creator and copy editor with expertise in architecture, interior design, real estate, personal finance, travel and high end products and services. "Penelope has been an utter delight to work with. Her expertise and knowledge of her field is immense and I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending her as a freelancer. Deadlines have been exceeded and all work is of high quality, inspiring and engaging. I look forward to working with her again. Thank you!" Need someone who knows their Mies from their Corbs? Can write for a design savvy audience? Can translate ‘archispeak’ into plain English? Well hello there! I’ve been writing about architecture, residential interiors, commercial interiors, renovations, developments, designer furniture, architectural and interior products, construction, luxury real estate and more for longer than you need to know. As Mies famously said: “God is in the details” and I delight in getting the details right. Whether your business is B2B or B2C, I can capture and encapsulate what you do and captivate your target market. I’m based in Australia if you are in need of local knowledge and wish to appeal specifically to an Australian market. I also think global however and my work as a design writer has been published in leading magazines in the UK, USA, Europe, South Africa and New Zealand. I have also worked with global brands from Miele to Minotti. If you need: • Content • Web copy • Advertorials • Email marketing • Copywriting • Product descriptions • Knowledgeable editing and proofreading • Ghostwriting • Content management • Press releases I’d like to hear about it and see if I can help. Just hit the green button above and message me for an obligation-free chat.

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  • Product Description
  • SEO Writing
  • Press Release