Jocelyn B.
LondonUnited Kingdom
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Senior Mobile Developer. London Based. (Full Stack)

London-based Developer with over a decade of experience, using Test Driven Development to deliver Apps that are streamlined and lag-free. I use my extensive background to deliver results for both iOS and Android using a range of languages including Swift, React-Native and Flutter. I'm a freelance developer with a deep experience of creating iOS and Mac apps. I want to build your dreams...! I'm a full-stack developer. I have industry experience from writing proven mobile (iOS) and desktop apps (Mac). I also have extensive experience of writing scale-able Backends. I have top-notch skills in Swift, Objective-C, React Native and Python. I can build what you want. I'm based in London, UK. As a UK developer I have excellent English skills. I also studied at a UK university. Finally, I benefit from the vibrant developer community in London. Skills ✅ I have used Swift professionally since it's introduction in 2014, including RxSwift and SwiftUI. ✅ Eight years of Objective-C experience. ✅ Deep experience of React-Native. I can produce pixel-perfect UI's on Android and iOS. ✅ Experience with dealing with Apple and adding Apps to the App store. ✅ Extensive knowledge of creating Mac Desktop software installers, including PackageMaker / Packages / Pkgbuild / Pkg as well as making Dmg packages. I can also help with notarization issues. ✅ If you a need UI/Wizard based installer (pkg) then talk to me as I have written several for installing software onto Macs. These use Installer Plugins to work their magic. ✅ Actual professional experience of using Flutter for Client projects. ✅ Long experience of taking on existing projects and maintaining, fixing bugs and add new features to them. ✅ Specialities including VPN (OpenVPN, iKev2, Network Extensions), OpenCV, and adding animation, including SpriteKit. ✅ Latest projects include Fintech with Plaid / Yapily / Token, integrating Zendesk chat solutions into iOS / React Apps. Also advanced visual processing with OpenCV and Machine Learning with CoreML. ✅ Other recent projects have included P2P mesh transfers on Android, and Crypto Payments with Web3/WalletConnect on Swift, and video calling Apps using WebRTC (React-Native / Swift). ✅ Talk to me about Clover POS Development with Android (Java / Kotlin). ✅ ChatGPT Integration with iOS, React-Native / Expo or MacOS. ✅ Bidlogix / BidJS integrations for Auction Houses. ✅ Electron Apps Packaging and Notarisation / Notarising. Keywords for Search Engines • iOS, Android, Flutter, React Native, iPhone, Ipad, Application, Mobile App Developer, Full time Freelancer, Clover POS, IPhone app, Swift, Dart, Kotlin. Smartphone App, Mobile App Development, Android App Development, iOS Development, Native iOS, Native Android, Flutter/Dart, Expert Swift/iOS developer, Firebase, Electrion

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  • Swift
  • React Native
  • In-App Purchases
  • RESTful Architecture
  • User Authentication
  • Objective-C
  • macOS

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