P.M. Ashikur R.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Digital Marketing Specialist - SEO Consultant, Technical SEO Expert

🔍 13+ Years of Expertise 🔍 | ⏰ 39,000+ Hours Delivered ⏰ Are you seeking an SEO specialist with a stellar track record, one who can elevate your online presence and drive organic traffic to new heights? Look no further. With over 13 years of unparalleled experience, I am the expert you need to propel your business forward. ✨ Technical SEO Mastery ✨ Technical SEO forms the bedrock of a successful online presence of any website. Let me optimize your website's architecture and code, ensuring seamless indexing and crawling by search engines. From fixing broken links to enhancing site speed, optimizing images, creating XML sitemaps, and resolving canonicalization errors, I have the technical expertise to transform your site's performance. 🔬 SEO Audit and Research 🔬 My comprehensive SEO audits provide an in-depth analysis of your website's SEO performance. With over 200 projects completed, my audits have consistently guided businesses toward higher rankings and increased visibility. Let me furnish you with a detailed report, a roadmap to unlocking your website's full potential. 🚀 Improve Your Website Organic Traffic 🚀 Organic traffic is the lifeblood of online success. My custom-tailored SEO strategies, developed through years of experience, will boost your website's visibility. From meticulous keyword research and on-page optimization to technical SEO, link building, and content marketing, I have a proven formula to increase your website's organic traffic. 🔗 Link Building and Skyscraper Maestro 🔗 I specialize in crafting high-quality, authoritative backlinks that supercharge your website's authority and rankings. I have also a lot of experience in building backlinks using the skyscraper technique. With my link-building expertise, your site will rise through the search engine ranks, ensuring long-term success. 🔄 Google Algorithm Update Expert 🔄 Navigating the ever-evolving landscape of search engine algorithms is my forte. I stay ahead of the curve, ensuring your website remains resilient to algorithm changes, and continually grows in visibility and traffic. 💼 Experience with Fortune 500 Companies 💼 Having worked closely with Fortune 500 companies, I bring a level of expertise and professionalism that's second to none. Your project will benefit from insights gained through collaborations with industry giants. 📈 Unlock Conversion Growth 📈 Traffic alone is not enough; conversions matter. With my help, your landing pages and sales funnels will be transformed into conversion powerhouses. Drawing on my extensive experience, I'll pinpoint areas for improvement and provide actionable recommendations to create a user-friendly and persuasive website. 💥 100M+ Impressions 💥 | 🌐 Millions of Monthly Traffic 🌐 I've achieved remarkable milestones, generating over 100 million impressions and millions of monthly organic visitors for my clients. Let me leverage this experience to supercharge your online presence. 🖥️ CMS Expertise 🖥️ I am well-versed in various content management systems (CMS), ensuring seamless optimization regardless of your platform. Whether you use WordPress, Drupal, Shopify, Wix, Weebly, Joomla, or others, I can tailor my strategies to maximize your results. 📍 Local SEO Specialist 📍 As a Local SEO Specialist, I am laser-focused on helping businesses dominate their local markets. With a keen understanding of the intricacies of local search, I can ensure that your business appears prominently when potential customers in your area search for your products or services. From optimizing your Google My Business listing to implementing geographically targeted keywords and crafting location-specific content, I'll ensure your business stands out in local search results. Your success in the local market is my priority. 🌟 Google Ecosystem Enthusiast 🌟 With proficiency in the Google ecosystem, I bring a wealth of experience in optimizing websites through the power of Google Search Console, GA4, and Google Lighthouse Studio. GSC serves as my command center for monitoring website performance, ensuring that it's indexed properly, and identifying opportunities for improvement. GA4 is my go-to analytics tool for deciphering user behavior and refining strategies based on data-driven insights. 🛠️SEO Tool 🛠️ 🔍 SEMRush 🔍 Ahrefs 🏄 Surfer SEO 🐸 ScreamingFrog 🌟 Majestic SEO 🕷️ Deep Crawler 📍🛠️ Local SEO Tool 📍🛠️ 📍 Google My Business, 📍 Brightlocal 📍 MozLocal 📍 Whitespark 📍 Yext ☎️ Integration and Call tracking ☎️ 📱Callrail 📱 Zapier 📧 Mailchimp etc. 📂 Project Management Tool 📂 🗂️ Zoho CRM 🗂️ Asana 🗂️ Wrike 🗂️ Everhour 🗂️ Agency CRM 🗂️ Basecamp etc. With a Top Rated Plus badge, 200+ successfully completed projects, 37,000+ hours dedicated to optimizing websites like yours, and a track record of generating massive impressions and traffic, I am your SEO partner of choice. Let's discuss your project today. Contact me for a free consultation.

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  • Technical SEO
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO
  • SEO Strategy
  • Local SEO
  • SEO Audit
  • Yoast SEO