Gerardo V.
Mexico CityMexico
100% Job Success

Graphic Designer

I´m a Graphic Designer with more than 20 years of experience and bachelor's degree in UAM University, working for several companies and other designers, doing what I like most to do, create, design and resolve the requirements of my clients, doing it differently. An expert in Photoshop image manipulation, clipping path, image retouching, change or remove background, linked pdf and Keynote presentations and e-book, static and animated, design in Illustrator, infographics, video and all needs of graphic communication. Other software I use as iMovie, PowerPoint, Swift 3D, Morpheus Photo Animation ( morphing pictures ) When I make a commitment, I keep it

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  • Brochure
  • Presentations
  • Photo Retouching

Get started working with Gerardo quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Gerardo quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get Quality Catalog that sells any product or service

From $100
3 days delivery

You will get Keynote, Powerpoint, Google slides and PDF fabulous Presentation

From $100
2 days delivery