Rachana M.
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Content Writer | Copywriter | Social Media: Blogs, Website Content

I create words for a living! 📝 As a Content Writer and Copywriter, my job is to make things interesting and clear. I write stuff for websites, blogs, and social media. If you need words that grab attention and tell a story, I'm your person! Whether it's sharing information or promoting a product, I know how to make words work their magic. Let's make your content shine! ✨ Creating captivating, intriguing, and attractive content is what I excel at. My main skills include understanding basic SEO, conducting effective Keyword Research, and crafting unique Meta Information such as page titles and descriptions. Throughout the past half-decade, I've been dedicated to the roles of a content writer and copywriter across diverse websites like Health, E-commerce, and Travel. I really love helping my clients, and my goal is to give them the best of what I know and can do. Excited to hear from you!

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  • Fashion & Beauty
  • Website Content
  • Content Marketing Strategy
  • SEO Writing
  • Website Copywriting