Ankit Kumar P.
92% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Senior Android Developer(Java, Kotlin, Android Sdk)

Over the last 14 years, I have almost completed 42 android projects for different businesses and personal use of my clients. Great experience in Java, Kotlin , Android SDK, Google's Android relates service and Android Studio. I always welcome new ideas and love to convert them in smart android application. During different applications development period I have gone through many different challenges and finish all of them with my smart work. I have been work in all below area and also willing to explore more with new things. Material Design with backward compatibility, SQL/SQLite databases, JSON Bese data parsing, RestFull Web service integration, Room, Audio/Video Streaming, ExoPlayer, Face Recognition and OCR, Social Network - Facebook, Twitter integration, Google Map and other Google services, Other open source library integration and modification according to requirement. I am familiar with MVVM,MVC and Clean architecture pattern. I am cost effective but quality work provider.

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  • In-App Purchases
  • User Authentication
  • Application Security
  • API Integration
  • QR & Barcode Scanner
  • SQLite
  • Android Room Persistence
  • Face Detection