Shaun K.
100% Job Success
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Seasoned corporate Excel guru

I am a hardworking, dedicated, passionate individual with over 20 years of corporate experience working extensively with all Microsoft Office products. I have built numerous automated Excel-based dashboards throughout my professional career where I was fortunate enough to work for two different leading financial institutions. I now operate my own Excel/Microsoft Office based business using the skills I've learned from the corporate world, and I would love to discuss the requirements of your project to see if I would be a good fit. I enjoy automating tasks in Excel for clients using complex functions, formulas and basic VBA coding. Creating Excel based dashboards with control buttons and graphical representations of data is one of my favorite things to do. I also work in Google Sheets almost every day, and have helped numerous companies with their shareable online spreadsheet requirements. I have found with my business venture that communication and initial understanding of a project is paramount to success, so I always provide my clients with daily progress updates to ensure the project is always on the right track to avoid wasting time. My end goal is always 100% satisfaction with the end product or service which I provide. Let's connect so we can discuss your requirements and come up with a solution. I look forward to hearing from you!

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  • Microsoft Excel
  • Google Sheets
  • Cyberlink PowerDirector
  • Spreadsheet Software
  • Presentations