Stanley B.
97% Job Success
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Expert CakePHP programmer with PM experience

I have been hacking at the web since it was all text format and I have experience in all aspects of web development. While I have learned many ways to get the job done, I have developed a workflow that helps bring each project through MVP to final deliverable product in a steady and logical manner. I emphasize the importance of creating good project documentation as it eliminates much of the rework and ensures the final software meets expectations. I am an advanced full stack developer and a solid project manager. I prefer to take a project from start to finish. I like build it from the foundation to launch and derive much satisfaction from a job well done. I look forward to turning challenging problems into innovative software solutions.

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  • WordPress
  • API
  • UI/UX Prototyping
  • App Marketplace
  • Laravel
  • Ecommerce

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