Farzana k.
91% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

TikTok/Instagram Followers & Engagement Growth Specialist

Do you want brand/niche-related organic followers & engagement? Are you spending a lot but not getting the expected results? Do you want quality results over quantity? I am a highly-skilled, enthusiastic, self-motivated professional Instagram/TikTok expert with a great successful experience of full eight years. I believe in honesty and a good working relationship. Over the last eight years, I have done 251+ projects successfully and spent 28000+ hours, making me one of the 'Top Rated Plus' freelancers on Upwork. I can help you to grow your social media accounts, especially Instagram and TikTok, with Real and Active Followers from your target demography. Contact me if you would like to have the following services- 👉 Real & Active Instagram/TikTok followers. 👉 Increased Engagement on Your Instagram/TikTok Profile. 👉 Targeted Audience according to your Niche, Locations, and Competitors. 👉 Interaction with your Followers makes them know you. 👉 Real & Productive Marketing on Instagram/TikTok 👉 Potential Increase in Sales via Your Posts I have great communication skills as I have completed my graduation and post-graduation in English Literature. I have a successful past record as an Instagram/TikTok expert. ⬛ WHY ME?: 👉 Trustfully Service✔ 👉 100% Safe and No Harm For Your Instagram Account Guaranteed !!✔ 👉 No Bot / Software uses.✔ 👉 TARGETED PROMOTION which results in FOLLOWERS GROWTH.✔ 👉 More Traffic and Possible Sales.✔ 👉 Good for Business and Personal Accounts.✔ ⬛How It Works! 1. I Target the Audience by Interest, Locations, and Competitors' accounts and then Like, Comment, and Follow/Unfollow to get follow back. 2. Manage Direct Messaging Marketing. ⬛N.B:- Thanks for taking the time to read this. Please feel free to contact me with any other questions you may have or if you would like to see any examples of my previous works!! I am 24/7 hours available to assist you. Best Regards! Farzana

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Get started working with Farzana quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Farzana quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get Non-Drop Instagram Followers through Instagram Promotion

From $40
6 days delivery

You will get REAL TikTok Followers & Engagement | 100% Organic TikTok Growth Guaranteed

From $100
10 days delivery

You will get PINTEREST 100% Organic Followers & Engagement From Your targeted Accounts

From $40
7 days delivery

You will get Organic Twitter Followers/ 100% Real and Targeted Twitter Followers

From $60
10 days delivery