Jatin B.
88% Job Success

Expert Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects & VFX Artist

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"Jatin did a fantastic job on my project. He kept me updated with his progress throughout the job and was very patient and easy to communicate ideas with. I will most definitely hire Jatin again in the future." I'm the top-rated Illustrator, Photoshop & Vfx Artist freelancer on Upwork with numerous 5-star reviews, including overly positive feedback. ⭐ Here's what I can bring to your project ⭐ ✅ Top-notch experience in Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, and After Effects. ✅ Extensive experience working with clients and understanding their needs. ✅ 24/7 ultra-reliable communication: you will always be aware of the project status ✅ Someone who cares about helping you succeed and bringing value to your business ⭐ Why you should choose me over other freelancers ⭐ ✅ Client Reviews: I focus on providing value to all of my clients and earning their TRUST. ✅ Over-Delivering: this is core to my work as a freelancer. My focus is on giving more than what I expect to receive. I take pride in leaving all of my clients saying "WOW" ✅ Responsiveness: being extremely responsive and keeping all lines of communication readily open with my clients. ✅ Kindness: one of the main aspects of my life that I implement in every facet. Treat everyone with respect, understand all situations with empathy, and genuinely want to improve my client's situations. 🏆 Reviews and feedback from high-profile clients 🏆 The client reviews below describe the quality of work and value that you can expect from working with me. "Jatin is extremely professional and works very quickly. He communicated very well and understood my vision for the project. I will definitely hire Jatin again for future work." - Nicole Mortimer | Founder of ZippyJamz "Fantastic work! I highly recommend Jatin to anyone who is looking for a talented designer. Such a pleasure working with him. Thank you!" - Goni Light, Co-Founder | Chief Tahini Officer "Jatin is great is work with and I plan to use him again. His communication quality of work and cooperation really stand out compared to others whom I have used previously." - Arif Bandeali, Executive VP | Fairdeal Import & Export Ltd.

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  • Video Production
  • Video Color Correction
  • Vector Graphic
  • Visual Effects
  • Multimedia Design

Get started working with Jatin quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Jatin quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get Mic Removal from the video

From $20
1 day delivery

You will get Animated text message conversation

From $15
1 day delivery

You will get an Animated Gif with any file size you want

From $15
1 day delivery

You will get vectorized, redrawn, or edited logo

From $10
1 day delivery


Endorsements from past clients

"I hired Jatin B. to help with sales quoting jpegs using Illustrator and photoshop. He is fantastic. His work and communication skills are excellent. I will be hiring him for future ongoing work. "

Arif B. | Executive VP
May 2022
