Steven W.

Direct Response Sales Copywriter

Salesmanship in print. That's the definition of advertising. Sadly, many copywriters get so caught up in making "cutesy", witty, or so called funny ads to impress their peers, that they lose focus on their goal. Which is, helping their company grow by driving in sales or leads. I am a firm believer in creating advertisement (and products) that are accountable. With the rising media costs, it's vital to have a copywriter who understands the importance of ROI. You need to produce ads that yield measurable results. Unless you are a billion dollar company, you cannot survive if you focus 100% of your marketing efforts on Brand building or Image advertising. If you are a young or even mid size company, if you want rapid growth and stability, you need to dedicate all of your marketing efforts to direct response marketing. The best comparison that I can think of to prove my point (that direct response clobbers brand building) is the Lester Wunderman / Columbia Records Club challenge as described by Author Malcolm Gladwell in his book The Tipping Point. Although Wunderman helped Columbia Records experience HUGE success with his direct response skills, when CR was ready to try TV advertising, they hired a Madison Avenue advertising firm who solely focused on brand building. When Wunderman found out about this, he was outraged! So he convinced CR to do a split test, giving half of the budget and markets to him and the other half to the Madison Ave company. They agreed. A month later the results were in. Wunderman's ads pulled 4 times the results of McCann's ads (the Madison Ave ad company). But it gets even better. Wunderman ran his ads in the wee hours of the morning when it was more economical. As it turned out, Wunderman only spent 1/4th of what McCann spent. So 4 times the results at 1/4th cost. If you would like to hire a seasoned direct response copywriter to help you create profitable ads, shoot me a note. I have studied most of the marketing legends, like the late Gary Halbert, Jay Abraham, Ted Nicolas, John Caples, John Carlton, David Ogilvy, Claude Hopkins, and I have been personally trained by Dan Kennedy. I have a solid track record for creating positive results with my copywriting skills and innovative abilities.

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