Sherajum M.
100% Job Success

Automated data scraping, mining, and extraction workflow developer.

Just 15$ to automate your data scraping, mining, and extraction project. One-time setup fee. +$10 for same-day delivery. Reorder anytime for $10/10k query. Schedule Update: Daily - $5 minimum or $0.003 / query Weekly - $35 minimum or $0.002 / query Monthly - $99 minimum or $0.001 / query Additional Service: Large scale scraping - $5/hour Scrape & upload data to website – 25$ / data source Features: NoCode + Zero Maintenance, Bot Security Bypass Advantage: Quality assured by random data validation & well organized. Technology: .Net, Power BI, MySQL, Python Industry E-commerce product information, price/inventory tracking, data migration Business email, phone, contact person information Real State property and owner information Professionals email, phone, business information Competitor analysis: review, price, inventory, sales tracking.

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You will get data from website to excel

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