Ankit D.
99% Job Success

Expert in C#/ASP.NET/MVC/Angular/React.js/SQL, Web design, Wordpress

Skilled software engineer working from 9 years in analysis, design and development of : ✔ Client/Server application ✔ Web based application ✔ n-tier application .NET Core Skills - -------------------- I have thorough understanding of dot net core and it's following components - - Entity Framework (EF) Core - Identity Core - MVC Core - Razor Core I have a strong background in designing and have been working on all kinds of small and big projects. ✅ Web Design & Development 🔹UI/UX - Desktop and Mobile Apps 🔹FRONT END - Html, Css, Sass, Javascript, Jquery 🔹 FRAMEWORKS - Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, Foundation, Principle, MUI 🔹 CMS - Wordpress, Sitefinity, Webflow, Shopify Entity Framework Skills - ------------------------------ I have illustrious experience in O/RM and have expert level skills in 1. Linq-to-SQL 2. Linq-to-Entities 3. Linq to XML 4. Linq to Objects 5. Linq-to-DataSets I have strong understanding in all three approaches of domain modelling - 1. Code First 2. Model First 3. Database First ASP.Net Boilerplate Skills - ------------------------------- I have expert level skills in boilerplate domain driven design layers such as - 1. Presentation Layer 2. Application Layer 3. Domain Layer 4. Infrastructure Layer I have worked with - - SOAP/REST protocols - JSON/XML are formats - GET/PUT/POST/DELETE/OPTIONS methods in REST. - WSDL - HTTP Verb Binding - Service-Oriented architecture ... and features of ASP.NET Web API 2.0. such as - - Cross-Origin requests using CORS - New operators i.e.$expand, $select in OData Service - OWIN (Open Web Interface for .NET) - IHttpActionResult ► Key Qualities : ✔ Learning and adapting new technologies has always been my passion where I ensure to keep abreast with them and adapt them at their initial stage. ✔ Functional domain experience involves financial, telecom and hospital management. ✔ High proficiency in developing and supporting javascript, ajax and c# applications. ✔ Effective in working independently and collaboratively in teams. ✔ Proven ability to research and solve complex problems unassisted.

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  • WordPress
  • Marketing Automation Strategy
  • Zoho Creator
  • Zoho CRM
  • WordPress e-Commerce
  • Zoho Platform