Michael S.
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MD PhD who loves to write about medicine and biomedical science

My goal is to take complex medical and scientific concepts and present them in an easily accessible format. While I can write to other physicians and scientists using that jargon and language, I can also write to parents and patients in a way they can completely understand. I prefer these types of projects: Peer-reviewed Medical/Biomedical Science Journal Ghostwriting/Writing/Editing For-profit Grant Application Writing (SBIR, STTR), Specializing in NIH Applications High-quality, Human-focused, SEO-friendly Medical Content Patient-facing Medicine and Biomedical Science Materials Continuing Medical Education (CME) Content Creation Subject Matter Expert in Neuroscience, Neurology, Psychiatry, and Internal Medicine Scientific Talks and Presentations (PowerPoint) Medical School/Residency/Fellowship Application Consultancy

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  • Technical Editing