Hicham Moad S.
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Developer | R/Shiny Expert

Hello, I am a developer and I have good knowledge of : - Algorithms and programming ( Web, Desktop & utilities ): with good experience with many programming languages: R Programming, R Shiny, R Markdown, Java, Php/Symfony, Javascript, nodejs, Python, .. - Data acquisition, Transformation, and Analysis : statistics, text mining(NLP, sentiment analysis), data mining and machine learning algorithms. ( classification, clustering, prediction, & regression). -Big Data ecosystem: RStudio, Weka, Apache Hadoop, Spark, mongoDb, docker, HBase, Hive,... - Servers & Networks administration : VPS management, service configuration(dns,web, ..), Database management (SQL & NoSQL), Web hosting, shinyserver, shinyapps; - IoT: MQTT, ESP32, Arduino, Raspberry Pi. feel free to contact me. Safhi Hicham Moad.

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  • R
  • SQL
  • Machine Learning
  • R Shiny