Ravi G.

Appointment Setter

A Multi-faceted and reliable Virtual Assistant and Telemarketer with 14+ years of experience in administrative roles, appointment setting, sales, lead generation, customer service, and data entry I have experience working in different fields such as Real Estate, Software, Recruitment, Real Estate, Insurance, Digital Marketing, Medical, Debt Relief, Credit cards, and Personal Growth. I am highly skilled in communicating with clients over the phone, emails, and chat support. I'm well versed in Mojo dialler, HubSpot, Zoho, Pipedrive, Ring central, 8x8 work, Aircall, and Phone Burner, and eager to learn more about any new tools that get the job done well. My good work ethics and a perfect blend of skills are my advantages in any job I am applying for. I have worked with clients from the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia. My passion for work, efficiency, persistence, and drive are qualities I can bring to the table

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  • Inbound Inquiry
  • Zoho CRM
  • Telemarketing

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