Md. Rizwan S.
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Senior UI/UX Designer | Figma Expert

As a seasoned Senior UI/UX and Product Designer, I bring a wealth of experience in crafting user-centric digital experiences that seamlessly blend aesthetics with functionality. Skilled in user research, wireframing, and prototyping, I excel in translating complex requirements into visually compelling designs. With a user-centric approach, I balance aesthetics with functionality to deliver engaging interfaces. Collaborative by nature, I thrive in cross-functional teams, effectively bridging design, development, and business objectives. Committed to staying abreast of industry trends, I continually evolve my skill set to drive innovation and elevate product experiences. Passionate about crafting solutions that resonate with users, I am dedicated to delivering impactful design solutions. My Skills: ✔ User-Centric Designs: My approach revolves around understanding your users, ensuring every design decision enhances their experience. ✔ Mobile & SaaS Expertise: Specializing in crafting seamless interfaces for mobile applications and SaaS platforms. ✔ Figma Mastery: I am expert in Figma, utilizing its power to bring design concepts to life collaboratively and efficiently. ✔ Startups & Scale-Ups: Experienced in the dynamic environments of startups and scale-ups, I bring adaptability and creativity to every project. Tools I Use: ✔ Figma ✔ Sketch ✔ Asana ✔ Clickup ✔ Jira ✔ Slack ✔ Miro ✔ Notion Let's collaborate to transform your ideas into visually stunning and user-friendly interfaces that leave a lasting impression. Browse my portfolio and let's discuss how I can elevate your project to new heights!

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  • Mobile UI Design
  • User Experience Design
  • Mobile App Design
  • Figma
  • Prototyping
  • SaaS
  • UX & UI
  • Design Concept
  • UI Graphics

Get started working with Md. Rizwan quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Md. Rizwan quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get mobile app UI UX design for android or ios in FIGMA

From $150
2 days delivery

You will get mobile app ui ux design in figma

From $250
3 days delivery