Emmanuel George F.
100% Job Success

Expert Mobile apps development React Native

Experienced cross-platform app development using React Native, Redux, Router Flux, and other React Native libraries. Titanium Certified App Developer (TCAD) Sun Certified Java Programmer, Oracle Certified Professional DBA track for PL/SQL having more than 16 years of progressive experience in Software Designing, technical lead, development, Project Management and implementing wireless application and Client/Server technologies. Wireless application development experience includes 6+ Years in BlackBerry, 12+Years in iPhone and Android. BlackBerry enterprise and commercial apps include BES push architecture. Started mobile app development with Blackberry 3.7 and developed first iOS app on iOS 3.1.3. Started with Android cupcake 1.5 on Google developer phone. Continued to build GREAT mobile apps supporting latest iOS and Android OS. Experienced working with camera, GPS, data compression, encryption, video recording and uploading, streaming videos on iOS and Android with seek, pause, play from iOS control center and Android local notification bar. Worked with Google and Apple maps. Push notifications for different events, sending bulk notifications to millions of users on a ​specific event. Implemented urban airship, amazon SNS, pushwoosh, onesignal, Appcelerator push etc. Experience integrating Amazon Dynamodb in android and iOS. Integrated AWS SNS push notifications in iOS and Android. Build complex poker hand evaluation logic. Offline support and sync data when devices comes online. Build complex B2B mobile order management system for iPAD. Build apps and complex backend+mobile platform for on field engineers. Background services. iOS URLSession to continue data download when the application goes in background. Experienced in implementing In-App purchases and different payment gateway.

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  • React Native
  • Payment Functionality
  • In-App Purchases
  • Chat & Messaging Software
  • Push Notifications
  • Offline Functionality
  • ASP.NET Core