Nibedita B.
North 24 ParganasIndia
100% Job Success

Technically Skilled Admin VA | One-stop shop for end-to-end solutions

👩‍💻12 years experience ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐97% 5-star reviews ⏰16000+ hours work completed 👑Consistently high-quality work 🤹‍♀️I provide end-to-end solutions. What expertise do I bring to your table? ✅CMS 👉WordPress, Wix, Shopify, Squarespace, Drupal, Typo3 * Domain transfer, WordPress installation, Plugin updates, Website Maintenance * Creating Blog Posts with SEO optimization * Graphics Sourcing, Creation and Editing * Analytics tracking and Report Generation * Mailchimp Newsletters Setup & Automation, Running Email Campaigns * Copywriting to Promote Products/Services, About page, Landing page, Sales pages ✅ Customer Service & Tech Support 👉Zendesk, osTicket, H2desk, Deskpro * Handling support emails and tickets * Helping solve technical issues through screen recordings/screenshots * Creating and maintaining troubleshooting docs and FAQs ✅E-Commerce Store Management 👉 Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Magento * Entering / Updating products, Website maintenance * Handling order processing and fulfillment, returns, and refunds * Customer service and support * Ensuring customer satisfaction through proactive assistance and timely resolution * Maintaining accurate records, gathering feedback to improve service quality * Writing copy for products, featuring benefits and usage instructions ✅Social Media 👉 Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Hootsuite, Buffer * Marketing and advertising campaigns * Crafting Posts with relevant Hashtags, Posting/Scheduling * Creating/Sourcing Graphics for posts * Replying to / Engaging with audience ✅ Project Management 👉 Asana, Trello, SIack,, Basecamp, Glip, Trac, Apollo, Central Desktop * Efficiently coordinating remote tasks, Managing administrative duties * Facilitating communication to ensure objectives are met * Delegating assignments, Ensuring timely project completion ☝️Do any of these fit your requirements? Do get in touch to give your business a productivity boost!🚀 📌Skills/Traits : - Diligent, reliable, disciplined, honest, punctual, regular at work - Remarkably consistent. Deadlines hardly ever missed - Keen attention to detail - Strong written communication skills - Positive & problem-solving attitude - Proactive and always open to learning new things

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  • Technical Support
  • WordPress
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Shopify
  • WooCommerce
  • Mailchimp
  • Project Management
  • Ecommerce