Sunil k.
Sri GanganagarIndia
100% Job Success
Rising Talent

Mobile and Web App UX UI Designer

I am a Senior UI/UX Designer (TOP RATED By UPWORK among the top 3%) with 12 years of experience in creating user interfaces for digital products. I will provide you with a perfect solution for: ✔ Your mobile apps, ✔ Website designs, ✔ Software or tools designs, ✔ Web portal designs, ✔ Research and planning to provide the best solution for the tools. My design process always follows design thinking and high-quality user experience. As a result, I helped 100s of my clients in generating high revenue through my perfect UI and UX solutions. I have experience in creating a design for online stores, data analytics, job portals, education portals, mobile apps, desktop applications, market research tools, pharma manufacturing app solutions, and more. Areas in which I can help: ✔ Web and Mobile App Design (Android and iOS) ✔ Desktop software/tools/apps UX UI designs ✔ Websites Designs ✔ Portal Designs ✔ E-commerce ✔ Dashboard Design ✔ Interactive/click-through Prototyping ✔ Bespoke tools Designing My design process: 1. Topic research and information gathering 2. User research 3. Competitive analysis 4. User flow diagrams 5. Low and high-fidelity designs 6. Final design development 7. Prototyping and testing 8. Delivering final assets and files for clients and developers ✅ I am always available for after-project free service and support until your product is developed and launched. ✪ Software I use Figma, Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop, Affinity Designer, etc. ✪ Other tools: Jira, Trello, Asana, Dropbox, Skype, Slack, etc. ✅ Highlighted skills: UI UX design, Web app design, mobile app design, Human Interface Guidelines, Design in Android Native, Design in iOs Native, User Research, User Flow, Customer Journey Map, UX / UI Design, Design in React Native, Icons Design, usability, Desktop app design, Design improvements, UI/UX Prototyping, Wireframing, Prototyping, iOS, User Flow, User Experience Design, User Interface Design, Android App, Material Design, eCommerce.

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  • Print Design
  • Cover Art Design
  • Brochure
  • Book Cover
  • Technical Illustration
  • Isometric Style

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Get started working with Sunil quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get professional and modern landing page design UI UX in Figma or XD

From $40
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