Prabhu J.

Devops Consultant | SRE

DevOps Engineer with 6 years of experience specializing in infrastructure management and Kubernetes deployment. Proficient in orchestrating Kubernetes on a large scale production environment through automation. Architect with hands-on experience in crafting infrastructure solutions for projects across AWS, Cloudflare and Kubernetes platforms. Excel in navigating projects with ambiguity and complexity, leading numerous incident response efforts, conducting postmortems, and driving infrastructure availability improvements. Committed practitioner of extreme programming methodologies, including CI/CD, TDD, Pair Programming, and Iterations, ensuring robust test coverage across all levels. Well-versed in microservices architecture, event-based systems, CLI tools, frontend, and databases. Demonstrated expertise in designing and overseeing distributed systems, adept at writing and managing them effectively

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  • AWS Glue
  • Terraform