Anup K.
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Wordpress Development & customization | Woocommerce Expert

Hi Everyone I am a WordPress programmer/Web-Development over 8 years of experience in WordPress development. Before starting my freelancing services I have done MASTER in computer applications. During that period I have developed a lot of websites in different categories using latest advanced technologies like twitter bootstrap, Angular, Shopify, Bigcommerce, Wordpress, CakePHP, Magento and lot more. For front-end development, I have used latest technologies like angular.js and node.js for better user-experience. I have developed websites in all categories : E-commerce Shops using Wordpress Woo-commerce, Shopify, Bigcommerce, Magento etc, Photography websites, Company profile websites, Gym, health informatic websites, real estate websites, I have Following Skill in Wordpress Development : WordPress theme customization Front-end and back-end. - WordPress bug fixing & maintenance for long term period. - PSD to WordPress - Html to WordPress theme - WordPress child theme building - WordPress responsive design - Wordpress Speed OPtimization - Wordpress Malware removal - Wordpress PLugin Development and Customization - Wordpress Custom post types development and INtegration of different APIs. - Wordpress E-commerce websites using Woo-commerce. - Wordpress long-term Technical support to clients. Skills In Shopify : - Full Website Development - Design integration and functionality changes - Product management and Uploading. I have worked with a lot of themes from ThemeForest and customized all these themes according to client requirements. And lot more. You can call me for an interview and lets your work Done. I never let my clients down and always provide better suggestions related to website security and featured development and functionality enhancement. Other Experience : I have Working experience in the call center also to communicate properly with clients over a voice call.

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  • Theme Installation
  • Website Customization
  • Theme Customization
  • WordPress Plugin
  • WordPress Customization
  • WordPress Website
  • WordPress Development
  • WordPress Bug Fix
  • Ecommerce Functionality

Get started working with Anup quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Anup quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get WooCommerce Customization Technical Support

From $20
2 days delivery

You will get Wordpress installation and Theme setup with Demo Data

From $20
2 days delivery

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