Yevgen D.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Full-stack Senior developer (React.js/Node.js/Shopify/WordPress)

If you see my profile, you're lucky! Because you have found someone who will make your project real, reliable and solve any type of problem. Together we will achieve required goals and build long-term effective cooperation. I am a resourceful, innovative, and competent web developer with extensive experience in the coding of websites. For a long hard 8 years of work, I can confidently call myself a full stack web developer. My experience is closely related to: 📎 Languages: JS, TypeScript, CSS, SCSS/SASS/LESS, HTML5, PHP 📎 Frameworks: JS(NextJS, Remix, T3, NestJS). 📎 ORM: JS(TypeORM, Prisma, Sequelize, Mongoose) 📎 Databases: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Redis, Oracle DB, Microsoft SQL Server. 📎 Queue Service: AWS SQS, Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ. 📎 Auth: Auth0, Amazon Cognito, Firebase Authentication, SuperTokens, Passport 📎 Social API: Google, Facebook, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, Snapchat, Pinterest, Viber, Telegram, Twilio. 📎 Payment API: PayPal, Stripe, etc. 📎 AI API: OpenAI. 📎 Blockchain: Web3, Ethers.js, Hardhat 📎 Deployment: VPS(DigitalOcean, AWS (EC2, ECS), Hetzner), AWS (Amplify, ELB), Google Cloud (App Engine), Azure DevOps, Heroku, Vercel, Netlify, Firebase Hosting, Edgio. 📎 DevOps: Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, AWS (Lambda, DynamoDB, API Gateway, S3, etc.), Ansible, GitLab, GitHub. My work is the embodiment of your ideas into reality, because there is nothing real! The main priority of my work is respect, timeliness and quality of the code. And this is the key to success in our future relations. I am always open to new suggestions and cooperation. If you have any ideas or proposals just write to me and we will do it!

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  • WordPress
  • API Integration
  • Laravel
  • PSD to HTML
  • Shopify
  • PayPal