Chandan K.
96% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Certified Laravel | NodeJS | ReactJS | NextJS | Wordpress | AWS

I have overall 14+ years of experience in PHP, MySQL, Linux, Apache, and WordPress and 7+ years of experience in Laravel, NodeJS, NextJS, and ReactJS along with IOS & Android Mobile App Development and AWS Cloud. I am looking for expert-level opportunities to work with clients on challenging projects using the LAMP stack(Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP). Including frameworks like WordPress, Magento, Laravel, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Angular, ReactJS, Vue, etc. Proficient with HTML5, CSS3, Pixel Perfect or otherwise, PSD to HTML, jQuery, Ajax, JS, SASS, COMPASS, LESS, Twitter Bootstrap, Various Grid Systems, and Responsive Design. I have got experience and expertise in the technologies mentioned below and various supporting libraries and tools: - Laravel 7 + 5.x, 6 - Laravel - Breeze & Inertia (Laravel's authentication & frontend implementation using Vue or ReactJS) - CodeIgniter - CakePHP - WordPress - Magento 1 + 2 - Angular 8 - NodeJS - ReactJS - Vue Common libraries I've used extensively - Guzzle (Curl, Rest) - FBSKD (Facebook) - GoogleSDK (Google) - Twilio (Telephony & SMS) - Maxmind (IP Geolocation) and more Some of the tools that I use - Bower - Composer - Git - Grunt - Gulp - Jira - Node - Ruby - Vagrant Cloud Infrastructure: - AWS - Google Cloud - Azure - Terraform: Create Cloud Infrastructure using Terraform Script

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  • Laravel
  • WordPress
  • Next.js
  • Ecommerce Website
  • Vue.js