manikandan k.
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Shopify Expert

I do Shopify Store Design, development, Existing Shopify website Customization and Shopify website development form PSD. Bigcommerce Store Design, development, Bigcommerce Store development form PSD, Wordpress Design, development and Customization, PHP, jQuery, JavaScript, Custom Facebook Fan Page, Ebay Template, Mail Templates. and more.. I assure “QUALITY” in the work of which we do. I have passionate mind to do work. I can guarantee my task will not disappoint you and you will be willing to do work with me in future. I have experience and Excellency at following areas: Ecommerce platforms: 1. Shopify Store development from scratch 2. Bigcommerce store development from scratch 3. PHP Store development from scratch Control Management System: 1. Word press Theme for website with Control management system 2. Word press Blog for Ecommerce store Social media brand promo 1. Facebook fan page customization 2. Twitter page design 3. EBay Store Customization 4. Ecommerce application integration in Facebook My workflow in Ecommerce? My workflow in Ecommerce projects such as Shopify and Bigcommerce includes the following: 1. Designing major pages based on client requirement and their platform 2. HTML Conversion after design approval 3. Store Integration from HTML to ECOMMERCE 4. Integration of Third-Party Add-ons like mail chimp, wish list, live chat, SSL etc.. 5. Widget Customization based on client requirement 6. Word press Blog integration in Ecommerce Store 7. Payment method and shipping configuration 8. Ebay Store customization Control Management System: My possess skills such as: 1. Word press Theme Customization 2. Word Press Conversion from PSD, HTML, Drupal, Joomla and Other Platforms 3. Plugin Development & integration SOCIAL MEDIA: I do also work with the social Medias such as: 1. Facebook Fan page customization by matching your store design 2. Twitter page Customization 3. Plugin Integration For social media like Twitter, Facebook, etc... Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries regarding my design skills and services.

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  • WordPress
  • Shopify
  • Responsive Design
  • Shopify Templates
  • PSD to WordPress

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