Shweta D.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Full Stack Developer

Worked Extensively on both Frontend and Backend Framework's Like React js, Vue.js, Typescript, Cakephp, Smarty, Laravel, Codeignitor, Symfony, Graphql, MySQL, Postgresql, MongoDB, Firebase, and much more. Worked on various successful web applications and delivered it by working in team & as an individual. The few of the application includes: Live Streaming Application Online Examination Survey Management Appointment Management Bidding Portal Performance Evaluation IoT based Beacon enabled solutions Chat Applications using Websocket, Laravel pusher Having great expertise working on Google ads API and facebook ads API Expertise with Angular js, Node.js, Vue.js, React.js, Angular 8, Angular 2 Special expertise with Analytics and APIs which includes Integration of charts using Highcharts, google charts. Integration of Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Twilio, Foursquare, Youtube etc APIs. Integration of Paypal, Stripe, Amazon Pay, Worldpay, First Data, Smoovpay, Razorpay, Senanpay etc payment gateways Expertise in Opencart from 1.5 to 3.x version any custom work related to theme or modules. Huge Plugin development and customisation experience in Wordpress and enjoy the lovely themes and plugin modification to make it work like a charm. Can also develop the mobile apps - Hybrid - Ionic Platform or Native. Apps like GPS tracking, Taxi Booking, eCommerce App, Employee Management, Survey Management are few of them. Try to go above and beyond the client expectations by achieving the target at affordable cost.

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  • API Integration
  • Laravel
  • Vue.js
  • WordPress e-Commerce
  • React Native
  • WebRTC
  • Symfony

Get started working with Shweta quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Shweta quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get graphics for your social media post

From $225
2 days delivery

You will get a complete testing of your website along with the bug report

From $625
5 days delivery

You will get a ecommerce website using laravel or custom PHP

From $2,875
25 days delivery

You will get upgradation of older Django to latest Django version (Python 2 to Python 3)

From $595
5 days delivery